Each week, our team has been putting together a message and communication to send out to our team, patients, and clients. This week, our Founder & CEO, John Boersma has put together the below message. It has such an important message, and we want to make sure that it is seen by everyone.
To our amazing teammates and clients,
Well, things do not seem to be getting any easier. If anything, it feels like we may be nearing the apex of this unprecedented battle. With stress, fear, and uncertainty at an all-time high, I feel it is important, now more than ever, to reflect and remember that, in the words of the great Troy Bolton, “We’re all in this TOGETHER”!
I love sports, team sports, specifically. Sports played a huge role in my life as a youngster and they are largely responsible for the way I approach life today. Especially, when times get confusing or difficult, I often find myself reverting back to the many valuable lessons learned through participation in sports.
While COVID-19 is proving to be an extremely tough opponent, I know that we will prevail if we stay focused on what it takes to be a winning team. First and foremost, it takes humility and a mindset cemented in sacrificing for the team. It takes personal ownership, teamwork, discipline, and commitment. What I am reminded of, is how easy it is to speak, and model these traits when winning, but what sets great teams apart is how strongly they cling to and focus on these traits when times get tough. The only way to win when facing a stronger opponent is to rely on each other and to trust your teammates.
When teammates trust each other there is a never-dying belief that they will prevail. We need that now more than ever. If we all, individually, focus on doing our small part and doing the right thing, we will triumph over this pandemic. We must not get lost in the bigness of the moment, the overwhelming odds, or the difficulty of the task. If we focus on each other, and on doing our part, we will overcome.
Right now, there is a lot that we can’t do. But instead of focusing on those things, let’s focus on what we can do:
- We can adapt.
- We can stay calm and poised.
- We can focus on others, instead of ourselves.
- We can adjust.
- We can take on a spirit of gratitude.
For me personally, I have never been prouder to be part of a team. Our mission at LPPT is to always make our clients the Hero of the story, not us. Right now, the members of our team have become Heroes, to me. Everyone who works at Lone Peak has stepped up in a huge way, to fight for each other and to fight to make sure our clients continue to win. A huge thank you to everyone employed at LPPT for trusting each other and for believing that we can win, together.
To our valued clients, thank you for continuing to support us and to trust us with your care. It means the absolute world to us. Please take a minute to recognize and thank the healthcare workers here, and those who are serving in other organizations, for their selfless and dedicated service to helping us all LIVE BETTER!
Be well,
John Boersma | Founder & CEO
Lone Peak Physical Therapy