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How do I know if my child needs Pediatric Pelvic Health Services?

Topics like incontinence and chronic constipation in children are rarely talked about or addressed, and we want to change that!

We are here for you, and your family – Which is why we offer comprehensive Pediatric Pelvic Health Services!

As Pediatric Pelvic Health Specialists, we treat a multitude of diagnoses that impact your child’s digestion, bowel and bladder habits, and ultimately their confidence at home, at school, while traveling, and engaging in activities out in the community.

A common thread we have found across the families we work with, is that parents and caretakers are often embarrassed for their child. Discomfort or pain is often the driver for families to take action to come in and see us. We want to assure you that our clinic is a safe and supportive space for you and your child.

If you are not sure if your child requires our care or not, you are always welcome to come in for a Free Consultation to meet our providers, see the clinic space, and learn more about our services.

When you see us, it is different from seeing your regular Pediatrician in that we are able to equip you and your child with the knowledge, tools, and exercises needed to be able to create ideal bowel and bladder habits. We also teach your child how to coordinate their body to be able to activate and relax properly to allow for these essential bodily functions and directly address pelvic discomfort and pain, as well as incontinence and constipation.

So, at what point would your child benefit from seeing us?

Here are some guidelines to use to assess if your child lies outside of what we would consider a “normal window”:

  • How many bowel movements are normal?
    • Anywhere from 3 times a day to every 3 days!
    • No pain in between bowl movements or bloating
    • No pain or difficulty passing a bowel movement 
  • How many times should my child urinate in a day?
    • No more than every 2 hours if over the age of 3, but should be going at least every 3-4 hours.

If you find that your child lies outside of these guidelines for either bowel movements or bladder control, it is time to bring them in for an appointment with us. For more information, please visit our Pediatric Pelvic Health FAQ.

Chronic Constipation Top Tips:

Some examples of things to try at home to see if it helps your child’s constipation are:

  • Using a stool beneath their feet so that their knees are above their hips when your child is attempting a bowel movement
  • Increase their water intake to half their body weight (in ounces)


Call or text us any time to speak to an expert today at a Lone Peak location near you:

  • Bozeman: (406) 548-6266
  • Helena: (406) 422-1809
  • Billings – Midtown: (406) 969-6610

Get started and redeem your child’s Free Consultation today!


CONTENT CREATED BY: Susanna Clark, DPT and Allie Poalino, DPT

Lone Peak Physical Therapy – Helena | Lone Peak Physical Therapy – Bozeman | Lone Peak Pelvic Health – Billings: Midtown

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