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Prenatal Support Teams

Who is on Your Prenatal Support Team?

Whether you’ve been a consistent regular exerciser, or a beginner, exercising through your pregnancy shouldn’t be a scary experience. While we are always learning more about the female body and pregnancy related changes, we know exercise shouldn’t be ruled out because of this new change in your life! Let’s expand upon exercise contraindications and modifications, listening to your body, and benefits of a strong support team.

Addressing Exercise

Exercising is a topic that should be addressed with your medical support team. This may include a midwife, doula, physician, chiropractor, trainer, and/or pelvic physical therapist. There are several contraindications that can put a pause on exercise during your pregnancy. Those variables will be addressed with your provider(s) and/or coach. For the majority of pregnant women, there are very few considerations that would indicate stopping exercising altogether. So why stop doing something you already love to do due to pregnancy?!

Understanding YOUR body

If you have been a regular exerciser, you should continue to perform the same activities that have been bringing you happiness! If you’ve been trail or road running – keep going, or if you’re an experienced skier – keep skiing. You’ll want to avoid exercises or activities with an increased likelihood of falling, such as mountain biking, big mountain skiing, or impact sports. Push off the desire to add in new, challenging high-intensity activities- those are goals to consider after the baby!

Communication is key

Your support team is here to help you! By working collectively, we can communicate between team members to ensure you and the baby are being cared for and exercised safely. Exercise can provide numerous benefits throughout your pregnancy. So why not learn more about exercise to better assist you and the baby?!

If you’d like to exercise, but are cautious due to COVID and want to avoid the gym, you can meet with our coach one-on-one or have an online-training program built for you to perform at home! We also offer small, distanced group fitness classes.

Ready to get started? Reach out to Lone Peak Physical Therapy and schedule a FREE consult with pelvic health specialist Cheryl Tenpas, DPT, or our specialist Pre-/Postnatal Coach, Kendra Dennis! You can reach our front desk at 406-548-6266 or email us!

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