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How to fix thumb pain:

Did you know that the thumb is responsible for 40-60% of your total hand function?

The thumb is an amazing thing when it works the way it should. However, if you develop pain in this joint, it can leave you feeling extremely debilitated with even the simplest everyday tasks. This is where we come in to help!

When patients come into the clinic with complaints of thumb pain, there are three main culprits we see most often:

  • Arthritis
  • Trigger Thumb
  • De Quervain‚Äôs Tenosynovitis

The good news is that all three of these conditions are very treatable through our Hand Therapy rehabilitation services! Our experts find that patients benefit immediately from custom splinting to help manage pain and symptoms. A custom splint also offers protection to the thumb joint and surrounding soft tissue as it heals.

At Lone Peak, we are proud to have several Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) on staff. A CHT is an expert in evaluating, treating and prescribing a plan for how to address your thumb pain so that you can get better, faster!

We understand that each and every patient is different. We go the extra mile to get to know you, ensuring that you are set up for success from the beginning by helping you better understand your body mechanics and use of your hand to protect your joints over time so that pain doesn‚Äôt come back!

Offering same day appointments!

Don’t let thumb pain get in your way, schedule your Free Consultation today: 


CONTENT CREATED BY: Will Martin, OTR/L and Allie Poalino, DPT

CHT Services are offered at the following Lone Peak Physical Therapy Locations:

Billings: West End | Bozeman | Belgrade | Butte

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