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Ways Your Partner Can Assist During Delivery

Even if you have had a pain-free, easy pregnancy, scheduling a 34-week “prep” appointment with a pelvic specialist can be extremely helpful! Cheryl can offer labor and delivery positioning recommendations for you and your partner to practice during the last month of your pregnancy.

Having your partner attend a prenatal pelvic PT visit with you can be extremely helpful in preparing for labor and delivery. A pelvic PT will discuss your birth plan and cover visualization strategies to assist with relaxing the pelvic floor and supporting your body’s natural ability to deliver your baby.

There are hands-on massage and counterpressure techniques that can be applied by a partnership between labor contractions. Cheryl will practice these with you so you both are comfortable and feel prepared to use these techniques during labor.

Decreasing the likelihood of delivery-related tearing or muscle weakness can be addressed during your PT visit as well. To reduce the frequency of tearing with vaginal delivery, there are self or partner-assisted tissue stretching techniques that can be practiced starting at 34 weeks gestation.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a FREE consult at Lone Peak PT Bozeman with pelvic health specialist Cheryl! You can reach our front desk at 406-548-6266 or Cheryl directly via email at

Learn more at Lone Peak Pelvic Health

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